7月のアニバーサリーアートパーティー 【好きに自由に描く抽象画 Freestyle painting】
|アートパーティートーキョー art party tokyo
Let's paint for your anniversary!ファーストアートや、お誕生日の記念など、7月にお祝いがある人、6月にお祝いがあった人、そして8月にお祝いを迎える人、今シーズンのアニバーサリーをアートでお祝い!お友達や同僚、または家族やカップルで、キャンバスに色を乗せていく抽象画を楽しく描くアートセッション。じぶんのすきなように好きなだけ。様々な画材や素材を使って描くのは楽しいですよ!約2時間でじぶんらしさ満載のいちまいが必ず出来上がるようアートの専門家がアプローチします。

2023年7月29日 13:00 – 15:00
アートパーティートーキョー art party tokyo , 日本、〒106-0041 東京都港区麻布台1丁目9−12 飯倉台ビル 4F
7月のアニバーサリーアートパーティー 【好きに自由に描く抽象画 Freestyle painting】
Let's paint for your anniversary!
◎時間:13:00-15:00 (open11:45~close~14:15)
・12:50~開場checkin time
・13:00~14:15 制作 enjoy painting time
・14:15~14:45 ケーキタイム cake time(ケータリングのケーキをご用意します。集まったみんなでお祝いしましょう!)
・14:45~片付けとお帰りcheckout home time
・ 1作品とケーキ1ピース(親子やカップルで1作品を作る場合も同額。ペアで2枚の作品を制作する場合はおふたり分の予約が必要です。)
◎Date: Saturday, July 29
◎Time:13:00-15:00 (open11:45~close~14:15)
12:50~open checkin time
13:00~14:15 Production enjoy painting time
14:15~14:45 Cake time cake time (Catering cake will be provided. Let's celebrate together!)
14:45~clean up and checkout home time
Fee: ¥6,600-
(The same price applies to parents and children or couples who make one piece of artwork together. If you want to make two pieces as a pair, you need to make a reservation for both of you.)
◎Contents: Canvas of about F4 size (you can choose any shape you like). Includes painting materials, cake and one drink (bottled beverage). If you wish to have your work delivered, we will accept payment on delivery.)
◎What to bring: Nothing in particular. Come empty-handed! We will lend you an apron, but we recommend that you wear clothes you don't mind getting your art materials on unexpected places.
◎Others: You are free to bring your favorite beverages and alcoholic beverages. Bottled beverages with lids, as well as canned beer and other beverages can be produced while drinking. Other drinks can be enjoyed in the dining room during party time!
Whether you have a celebration in July, June, or August, whether it's your first art or a birthday celebration, celebrate this season's anniversaries with art!
All the various materials and art supplies you need are provided. Aprons are also available for rent, so you can come empty-handed and enjoy art as soon as you feel like it.
Let's celebrate your anniversary in a fun and creative way at Art Party Tokyo, a bright, open urban space with lots of natural light, located near the Tokyo Tower!
1作品分のチケットです。カップルや親子で2作品を制作する時はチケットを2枚購入してください。Ticket for 1 work. If a couple or a parent and child wish to create two artworks, please purchase two tickets.
¥6,000消費税:+¥600 消費税手数料 +¥165販売終了